Change your view on portable music


November 16, 2015 

Ya gotta love when you get feedback like this from loyal customers. This week in Jon’s Musings, we bring you a more alliterated version – Mark’s Musing!

I stopped down at Ultra Fidelis one afternoon and found Jon giddy about a new toy.

It was a Questyle QP 1R portable digital player. For me personally, I don’t expect much from portable music and was (more or less) satisfied with my iPod. However I recently purchased a pair of Audioquest Nighthawk headphones and was starting to change my view of what portable music could be.

So Jon, with a huge smile on his face, hands me a pair of Nighthawks connected to the new player and plays a piece I know very well. It was immediately obvious I was hearing something special. I couldn’t believe how much music the QP 1R was extracting from a standard digital capture of a CD.

The depth, resolution, color and texture flat out shocked me. The player dug way down deep and grabbed all the music and presented it at the right tempo and with the right tonal and spacial presentation. The song was suddenly completely new to me. This was more than just the stellar Nighthawks doing what they do so well. This combo takes you to that place where you’re helplessly and completely lost in the music.

There is one problem however. I used to listen to music at work. That is now impossible. I find myself so totally consumed by the music there is no consciousness left to do work. Nothing gets done for embarrassingly long periods of time. But my, do I have a big smile on my face.

This combination is one serious stereo system and it’s at a price where everyone who listens to portable music would be cheating themselves if they didn’t check it out. Let me correct that, “everyone who listens to music”, not just portable music.

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